“Respect Our Neighbors” Policy
PLEASE respect our neighbors by adhering to the ground rules as follows:
1. Drive slowly and safely on the residential streets. The Speed Limit is 25 mph in residential areas. Speed Limit is 10 mph within Entradero Park.
2. Obey the traffic flow plan for WTLL participants. Traffic should only flow North through the park. Upon entering the Park from Halison Street, cars can make an immediate left around Field 2 & 1; or go straight between Fields 2 & 3. If you drive straight and approach the bridge, there is no left turn to go towards the "Big Field" - cars must continue North, exit the facility and reenter from Halison St to then turn left before WTLL Field 2 to park closer to the "Big Field"
a. Enter ONLY on Halison Street
b. Exit ONLY on Towers Street
3. Carpool whenever possible
4. Do not park on surrounding streets – park in the WTLL complex whenever possible
5. If you do have to park on the street due to the lack of available parking, please do not block resident’s driveways.
6. Keep the park clean. Pick up/throw away trash in proper receptacles.
7. Keep players/children off the hillsides near the resident’s property lines, and keep everyone off of closed areas.
8. Be courteous to the neighbors, as we are playing in their ‘backyards’.
9. Close and lock the gate(s) if you are the last one to leave.
10. Follow all WTLL standing rules.